On The Shelf
Overview: Amazing Cosmetics Concealer
Purchase Price $42 + tax
Retailer Sephora
Product Review:
This highly pigmented concealer comes in twenty shades
making it a mixologist’s dream. If you can’t find your ideal shade you can surely
mix it into existence. Being cruelty free and winning 2005’s Allure’s Editor’s
Choice Award this purchase was a no-brainer. Plastered online as a great
concealer for blemishes, rosacea, and broken capillaries this full coverage
concealer did as promised. Amazing Cosmetics took its pride in this product one
step further by adding helpful hints on its website on “how-to” apply, which in
my book is a big plus. Unfortunately for me the amazing stopped there.
As a little went a long way I found this concealer left
cakey spots even with a translucent powder. I had noticed it created fine lines
to actually appear under my eyes! This water resistant concealer was such a
hassle to wash off and it created an amazing
oily mess on my face. As I inspected the ingredients list I found Lanolin oil
and Parafinum liquidum as MAIN ingredients! This may answer why I had such
terrible results.
My advice is sensitive-skin gals BEWARE. This concealer was
extremely irritating to my skin and caused breakouts! This was far from “amazing”
in my eyes and was returned for credit.