Friday, April 11, 2014

FYI : Brand updates, Launches, and Events….

The 2014 NYC International Makeup Artist Trade Show or IMATS starts today! I am super excited this year as the number of vendors has jumped to over one hundred. Being lucky enough to attend since the first NYC IMATS in 2011 I find myself with an almost overwhelming list of booths to make stops at.

If you don’t know the IMATS is open to the professional world of makeup artist AND the public. It truly is a one of a kind event. Anyone is allowed entrance with a previously purchased ticket and believe me they are have sold out over a month ago. Vendors and manufacturers from all over the country and world peddle their wares from the small kitschy and fun items like eyelash holders and stencils to professional airbrush machines. Of course all the makeup and brushes you could dream of as well are here under one roof for three days. This year is going to be even more exciting with the addition of some very popular YouTube and Instagram users showing their work off and holding meet and greets. Not to be left out demonstrating their creativity and sharing their passion are international makeup artist Anabel Vargas, and accomplished special effects makeup artist Tate Steinsiek who competed on one of my favorite shows Face Off.

One key event that happens is a live judging of Battle Of The Brushes which is a student based competition held during the IMATS. This beauty/fantasy makeup challenge, which is held on the Saturday of this three day show, is a total transformation of the live canvas that will strut down a runway adorned with full body paint and accessories. For the theme this year Art Through The Ages will make an interesting concept coming to life within two hours. Sad to say I will miss the Sunday competition which is a character/prosthetic challenge with this year’s AWESOME theme of Comic Books and Graphic Novels. Here are some pictures from previous NYC IMATS Battle Of The Brushes: