The original beauty blender
Purchase Price $19.99 + taxRetailer Sephora @ JCPenney
Check out www.beautyblender.net for more product info
This is truly a beauty buy that all should commit to. A few months back I purchased it’s horrible wanna-be cousin, an off brand hard foam rubber with absolutely no give and impossible to clean. The Original Beauty Blender is a soft proprietary blend of foam, that you will be hard pressed to find out what exactly it is comprised of, is non-irritating in a great pink tear drop shape makes it perfect for applying concealer under the eyes. By simply adding water it grows, you then pat dry on a towel dab it with your favorite product from concealer to foundation and away you go. The application process may take a couple tries to get the stippling motion down but once you do you’ll love the end result.
Using MAC’s Studio Fix Powder (Aug 27th Review) and Urban Decay’s Naked Skin Foundation (Sept 23rd Review) I was amazed how well this worked with both. Although the look totally satisfied my needs the amount of product that was used versus standard brushes was on extreme opposite ends. With the powder I found it did not need as much. On the other hand the liquid soaked right up into the Beauty Blender, which is not to fault it, but perhaps the water content in the Urban Decay foundation is to blame. Clean up is a breeze, use a good makeup cleanser you would on any other brush or you can buy Blendercleanser which is available online.
This is another one of those products that was created by a
makeup artist who knows what a good tool can do. I am definitely going to buy
another one just for my on the go makeup bag.