Friday, January 30, 2015

Out Of The Closet
The following Q&A session (like previous Out of The Closets) was done via email. Selda Asan-Rodriguez owner of Nur Makeup Artistry has worked on becoming, in my opinion, a breath of fresh air when it comes to continuing the education of makeup. Personal budgets and fiduciary concerns should be a priority for everyone. However, when you want to learn techniques for professional or personal reasons, and when YouTube just doesn't cut it, her classes are what you need. Check out her blog at for updates on class schedules and further contact information. Don’t forget to follow her at NURMAKEUP and NMAREVOLUTION on InstaGram to see her work!

Thanks so much again Selda for the speedy reply and without further ado:

On Jan 8, 2015, at 7:11 PM, "" <> wrote:
Thank you again for wanting to do this Q&A with me. Please take your time with this as I know you are busy with a great deal of things.
And please feel free to check out my blog to preview previous Q&A's to get a feel for what the actual post will look like.
Again greatly appreciate all that you do, have a blessed day.

1. When did you decide to make such an adventurous leap from being a makeup artist to an educator of the craft?

A: On my birthday Sept 2nd of this year. It was when I finally decided to do what I've been wanting to do for years but didn't have the guts too. I decided it, and in less than 10 min I posted about it on my Instagram page announcing what I was planning on doing. 

2. With what appears to be such a huge beauty industry boom from independent start-up companies to freelance MUAs holding paid events, how did you come to the decision to have your makeup workshops be "pay what you can"?

A: Well I have been in that situation where I would see an artist post their next class and I would get so upset that I couldn't attend due to my budget at the time. I wanted to better my skills and was getting upset that It was to expensive to do so. I remember one night crying because I was missing out on one of my Idols makeup class, and said to myself " I will not be the reason someone cries for not being able to educate themselves if I ever become good enough to teach classes" So, I decided to do something no one else has ever done and create a price tag of " YOU DECIDE" 

3. Having such a supportive following on InstaGram and other social media must be greatly motivating. Have these platforms been instrumental in making people aware of NM Revolution's other important message of philanthropy? 

A: Yes! Completely helpful.

4. I'd like to say CONGRATULATIONS on your pregnancy! It is somewhat stressful to worry about the possible side effects of makeup/beauty products, without being pregnant, from allergic reaction to damaging skin. How has being pregnant changed your makeup/beauty regimen, and what advice can you pass along?

A: Thank you so much. Oh I've been very conscious of what I use on my skin even before I got pregnant but more so now. I avoid wearing makeup as much as I used too. I would wear makeup just to stay home. Haha I know that's crazy, but now I'll wear it if I have somewhere important to go. And I transitioned to Cover FX products . They are less harsh on the skin. Also I use coconut oil to cleans my face. And to moisturize. I'll use a Honey and Lemon mask twice a week. (Homemade) I try to use products that are more natural as possible. 

5. Seeing that 2015 is starting strong with one of your workshops dated for January 25th, what else is in the works for Nur Makeup?

A: Ahhhh so much more that I can't talk about yet.. But it's definitely just the beginning for my NMA REVOLUTION. I can tell you that ;)
I want to sincerely thank you for your time and inspirational approach to sharing your knowledge of the beauty industry. I am so excited to see what the future has in-store for Nur Makeup! 
Thank you so much for being interested in my journey.. I appreciate your time in writing your questions and I hope I was able to help ;) xoxoxo